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Curriculum & Instruction

District Vision

To create a culture of innovation, inquiry, and individuality that promotes achievement and choice by cultivating the skills needed to compete and collaborate as ethical and responsible global citizens.

 Regional Office of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

Pascack Hills High School
225 W. Grand Avenue
2nd Floor
Montvale, NJ 07645
Phone: 201-358-7020 x22033
Fax:  201-263-1912

Dr. Barry Bachenheimer    Director of Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment x22033
Ms. Luanne McGlone Administrative Assistant to the Director of 
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
Ms. Alyssa Merritt Regional Instruction & Curriculum Coordinator x22069

Supervisors of Instruction

Ms. Megan Graziano         Supervisor of Science & Technology Education x22040
Dr. Sean Struncis Supervisor of Guidance/School Counseling Services x22008/24009
Mr. Joseph Orlak Supervisor of Social StudiesBusiness, Internships, & Professional Studies x22050
Mrs. Noemi Rodriguez Supervisor of World LanguagesMusicFACS, & Multilingual Learners (MLL) x22054
Ms. Valerie Mattessich
Supervisor of EnglishArt, and Libraries
Dr. Mark Russo Supervisor of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Equity. x22052
Mr. Steven Papa
 Supervisor of Health/Physical Education (PHHS)
Mr. William VanKersen  Supervisor of Health/Physical Education (PVHS) x24035
Ms. Lauren Bielan Secretary to the Supervisors of Instruction x22022